Teaching Tips
‘CamSTAR helps our staff to follow their own interests and pursue innovative practices’
David, Assistant Head
CamSTAR also provides a quick reference to 'teaching tips', by curating website links and adding individual teacher tips through video and audio. This is a chance to experiment and innovate with small steps, new ideas, and different ways of trying things out...
Teaching Tips…
Click on the links below to access a wide variety of teaching tips:
Teaching tips | Teacher-network | The Guardian
Effective teaching: 10 tips on what works and what doesn’t | Teacher Network | The Guardian
13 Most Effective Teaching Strategies For School Teachers (UK) (thirdspacelearning.com)
Teachers: your guide to learning strategies that really work | Teacher Network | The Guardian
Top 10 tips for Teaching using Microsoft Teams - Bing video
Using Flipped Classroom when teaching online #'teachingonline #flippedclassroom - Bing video
How to use TED-Ed- Ideas for the Flipped Classroom #TED-ED #YouTubeVideos - Bing video