What is CamSTAR?
‘Research... means leveraging my own expertise’
Claire, Middle Leader
‘It... enriches me as a person’
Tom, Art Teacher
CamSTAR (Cambridge, School Teachers and Research) is a national and international network of over two hundred and fifty primary and secondary schools who believe school-based enquiry to be the foundation of sustainable professional development for teachers at every stage of their career.
CamSTAR introduces you to a like-minded group of colleagues whose professional interests will help shape and enhance your own research, and thereby your own teaching and your students’ learning. CamSTAR provides a flexible structure of guidance and support in undertaking teacher research. CamSTAR also enriches professional dialogue within your own school, through a unique CPD Programme based on the principles of Andragogy, 'CamSTAR Professional Dialogues'. CamSTAR aims to enhance professional collaboration, co-construction of high quality approaches to teaching and learning, and Teacher Voice.