Teacher Recommendations
Stretch and Challenge
Online Resources
- Stretch and Challenge worksheets
- The most able students – Ofsted Report
- “Stretch and challenge in your classroom”, published in SecEd
Challenge and BFL (Behaviour for Learning)
Online Resources
- Complete Teaching & Learning Toolkit for Behaviour Interventions – EEF
- Practical Approaches to Behaviour Management in the Classroom
- BEHAVIOUR FOR LEARNING – Research for Teachers anthology
- What makes great teaching? Review of the underpinning research – Sutton Trust
Video Resources
- Toolkit Talk: Behaviour Interventions – EEF
- Policing Challenging Behaviour
- Behaviour management strategies videos – TES
Books with practical advice
- Behaviour in Schools, Author: Louise Porter, Publisher: Open University Press
- Promoting Positive Behaviour Author: Tim O’Brien Publisher: David Fulton Publishers
- Perspectives on Behaviour Author: H. Ayers, D. Clarke and A. Murray Publisher: David Fulton Publishers
Progress and Questioning
Online Resources
- Teachers’ Questions: Can they support understanding and higher-level thinking? Lynn D. Newton, Durham University, UK
- Assessing the Relationship Between Questioning and Understanding to Improve Learning and Thinking
- In What Ways Can Quality Questioning Advance Both Student and Teacher Thinking?
- Posing Real and Productive Questions
- Questioning that deepens comprehension
- Linking Classroom Assessment with Student Learning
Video Resources
- The characteristics of hinge-point questions: a hinge is a point in a lesson when you need to check if students are ready to move on, and if yes, in which direction
- Questioning in the Classroom
- Using Questioning to Develop Understanding
Books with practical advice
- Essential Questions: Opening Doors to Student Understanding – Jay McTighe and Grant Wiggins
Planning and Differentiation
Online Resources
- Differentiation in practice in the curriculum
- Methods of Differentiation in the Classroom
- Differentiation of Teaching and Learning: The Teachers’ Perspective
- Contested Knowledge: A Critical Review of the Concept of Differentiation in Teaching and Learning
- Differentiation within and across classrooms: A systematic review of studies into the cognitive effects of differentiation practices
Video Resources
- Managing a Differentiated Classroom
Books with practical advice
- How to use Differentiation in the Classroom: The Complete Guide – Mike Gershon
Online Resources
- Improving oracy and classroom talk in English Schools: achievements and challenges – Robin Alexander
- Oracy Curriculum, Culture and Assessment Toolkit
- The State of Speaking in Our Schools
- Talking about talk: Reviewing oracy in English primary education
Video Materials
- Developing confident students who can articulate their thoughts and learning with strategies like discussion guidelines, discussion roles, and structured talk tasks
- Dialogues for Learning – Neil Mercer
- Making the most of educational dialogue – Neil Mercer
Books with practical advice
- Educational dialogues: Understanding and promoting productive interaction. K. Littleton & C. Howe (Eds.). London: Routledge.
Investigating classroom talk. A.D. Edwards, & D.P.G. Westgate. London:
The Falmer Press - Exploring talk in schools. N. Mercer & S. Hodgkinson (Eds.). London:Sage.
Self Efficacy
Online Resources
Teaching Self-Efficacy
David Morris
Building Resiliency in Young People
Full resource here: Building resiliency in young people resource
Academic self-efficacy: from educational theory to instructional practice
Anthony R. Artino, Jr.
Motivation Based on Self-Efficacy
Classroom strategies to improve student self-efficacy and learning outcomes
Self efficacy theories: free sample chapter
Key Factors in Developing Effective Learning Environments: Classroom Disciplinary Climate and Teachers’ Self-Efficacy
Video Materials
Dr. Sylvia Gearing teaches you how to teach your child to be more confident and create self-efficacy
Dr Andreas Richter on the connection between creative self-efficacy and individual creativity
Books with practical advice
Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York, NY: W. H. Freeman.
Bowles, F. and Pearman, C. (2017). Self-Efficacy in Action: Tales from the Classroom for Teaching, Learning, and Professional Development. NY: Rowman and Littlefield.
Gutucha, K. and Gaikwad. (2017). Teaching and Self-efficacy, School Culture and Professional Commitment. London: Lambert
Online Resources
The Case for and against homework -Robert J. Marzano and Debra J. Pickering
Homework: a review of recent research – National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER)
Homework and its contribution to learning – University of Leeds
The Homework Debate: How Much Homework is Helpful for Students to Acquire Mathematical Procedural Knowledge? [open source]
The Effects of Homework on Student Achievement [open source]
Homework assignment and student achievement in OECD countries [open source]
Why Do Students Have Difficulties Completing Homework? The Need for Homework Management
Video Materials
Homework: Is It Good for Kids? Here’s What the Research Says | Time
Do homework assignments benefit young students? [From Cleveland19 News]
Books with practical advice
Rethinking Homework: Best Practices That Support Diverse Needs (Cathy Vatterott, 2009)
The Homework Myth (Alfie Kohn, 2007)
The Battle Over Homework: Common Ground for Administrators, Teachers, and Parents (Harris M Cooper, 2007)
Assessment for Learning
Online Resources
Assessment for Learning:
Assessment: The Bridge between Teaching and Learning:
Assessment for Learning – A Practical Guide – Curriculum
Support materials for assessment –
Assessment for Learning: Mathematics
Books with practical advice
Formative Assessment in Action (Shirley Clarke, Hodder Murray, 2005)
Assessment for Learning: Putting it into practice (Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam, OUP, 2003)
Working Inside the Black Box (Paul Black, Christine Harrison, Clare Lee, Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam, Kings College, London, 2002)
Mathematics Inside the Black Box (Jeremy Hodgen and Dylan Wiliam, NferNelson, 2006)
English Inside the Black Box (Bethan Marshall and Dylan Wiliam, NferNelson, 2006)
Assessment for Learning: Mark less to achieve more (Ian Smith, Learning Unlimited, 2003)
Science Inside the Black Box (NferNelson, 2006)
Video Materials
Assessment for learning Dylan Wiliam
Self and Peer Assessment Dylan Wiliam
Peer to Peer Assessment
Principles of Formative Assessment
Workshop: Formative Assessment (in eight parts)
Behaviour in the classroom
Online resource
TES Connect 10 Top Tips:
Teachit (for mentors)
Headguruteacher tips
Learning Wales support:
Video Resource
Bill Rogers:
Managing the Difficult Class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqIXB1RG-Vg
Ensuring a settled and focused class https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLFcaovsriA
Tactical Ignoring addressing the issue https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OkBU0NALqkc
Students who just say no! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q1bIQ1Hg00c
Rob Plevin
Classroom Management Strategies To Take Control Of Noisy Students https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u086rr7SRso
Classroom Management Strategies To Take Control Of Noisy Students (2) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YX3G5vsJhOk
Examples of research
Video 5 case studies on challenging behaviour: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FQodgXWArU
Steven Boylea, Ellen Faheya, John Loughrana* & Ian Mitchella Classroom research into good learning behaviours
GTCS Positive behaviour http://www.gtcs.org.uk/web/FILES/FormUploads/to-what-extent-does-giving-children-responsibility-for-their-behaviour-have-positive-effect1774_335.pdf
DfE Pupil behaviour in schools in England https://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/184078/DFE-RR218.pdf
CamSTAR teacher research in the area
None yet
Further reading (not all available online)
Rogers, B (2015) Classroom Behaviour: A Practical Guide to Effective Teaching, Behaviour (Sage)
Carolyn M. Evertson, Carol S. Weinstein (2013) Handbook of Classroom Management: Research, Practice, and Contemporary Issues (Routledge)
Classroom Talk
Atwood, S., Turnbull, W., & Carpendale, J.I.M. (2010). The construction of knowledge in classroom talk. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 19(3), 358–402.
Mercer, N., Wegerif, R. and Dawes, L. (1999). Children’s talk and the development of reasoning in the classroom, British Educational Research Journal, 25 (1), pp. 95-111. See link below.
Collaborative Learning
Sutton Trust Teaching and Learning Toolkit, Education Endowment Foundation
February 2016
An overview of collaborative learning with links to information and resources from other sources
Co-operative and collaborative learning
- Consideration of effective co-operative learning, critical skills and dialogic teaching with videos, examples of practice and practical resources
- Education Scotland
Cooperative Learning
How cooperative learning can improve engagement and provide the support pupils need to be successful. There are links to research publications that support cooperative
Success for All Foundation
Competitive vs. Cooperative Learning Formats
Information on how to develop and establish cooperative learning
20 Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers
Considers why collaborative learning teams are said to attain higher level thinking and preserve information for longer times than students working individually and provides tips for implementation in the classroom
Miriam Clifford, teachthought, September 2014
20 Collaborative Learning Tips And Strategies For Teachers
Controversial Issues in the Classroom
This page from the University of Sheffield’s Teaching and Learning Services website offers hints and tips about how to teach sensitive issues:
… the University of Sheffield’s Teaching and Learning Services page refers to this page which has some very useful articles on a research about teaching a range of different sensitive issues including race, HIV, :
The Association for Science Education offers many useful and varied resources to think about when researching the teaching of controversial issues for science teachers specifically but the resources will be useful in other settings too:
Oxfam provides a very useful guide about teaching controversial issues available here:
The Citizenship Foundation has some advice too that is more about practice than research but this will help you to think about how to approach the research:
A perspective from University of Michigan Centre for Research on Teaching and Learning
Some suggestions to consider from Yale Centre for Teaching and Learning:
The Holocaust – free teaching resources that might be useful for thinking about the research project:
Centre for Holocaust Education UCL has commentary and teaching resources:
https://www.holocausteducation.org.uk/ and https://www.holocausteducation.org.uk/holocaust-education/educational-imperative/
An MSM article (the Guardian)
Creativity in the Classroom
Arts based creativity organisation:
A critical review of the Creative Partnerships archive - Creativity, Culture & Education
An analysis of research and literature on CREATIVITY IN EDUCATION Report prepared for the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority by Anna Craft (2001) www.creativetallis.com/…/2287089/creativity_in_education_report.pdf
Creativity in Science Teaching from the Association of Science Education: http://www.ase.org.uk/journals/school-science-review/2009/3/332/1957/SSR332Mar2009p91.pdf
Adzliana Mohd Daud, Jizah Omar, Punia Turiman, Kamisah Osman (2012) Creativity in Science Education; Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 59; Pages 467-474
Ken Robinson TED talk:
Resources on creativity from the Open University
The relevance of creativity in education from the John Hopkins University:
Creativity in Education
Porandokht Fazelian and Saber Azimi (2012) World Conference on Psychology and Sociology: Creativity in Schools; Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences Volume 82, 3 July 2013, Pages 719-723
Lucas, B., G. Claxton and E. Spencer (2013), “Progression in Student Creativity in School: First Steps Towards New Forms of Formative Assessments”, OECD Education Working Papers, No. 86, OECD Publishing. http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5k4dp59msdwk-en
A survey on creativity in Europe from 2010 http://ftp.jrc.es/EURdoc/JRC59232.pdf
Tim Burgess (2007) Lifting the lid on the creative curriculum: How leaders have released creativity in their schools through curriculum ownership
UCL Institute of Education (2011) Promoting creativity in education: overview of key national policy developments across the Uk : an information paper http://dera.ioe.ac.uk/7329/
Wikipedia on creativity https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Creativity
Amelia Hempel-Jorgensen (June 6, 2014) Why do we need creativity in Education http://www.open.ac.uk/blogs/researching-education-and-language/?p=143
National Foundation for Education Research:
Creativity and Assessment for BERA conference in 2005: http://www.leeds.ac.uk/educol/documents/150029.htm
Dan Davies, Divya Jindal-Snape, Chris Collier, Rebecca Digby, Penny Hay, Alan Howe (2013) Creative learning environments in education—A systematic literature review; Thinking Skills and Creativity; Volume 8, April 2013, Pages 80–91 http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187118711200051X
Differentiation Resources
A definition of in the context of education. There is also a comparison chart to help illustrate the differentiation concept and its major component strategies:
The Glossary of Education Reform, November 2013
12 Education Terms to Know in 2015
Definitions of 12 education terms including Differentiation
Seth Czarnecki, Noodle.com, May 2015
What’s different about differentiated instruction?
An overview on how to plan and implement differentaiated Instruction, also further links to extended articles.
Dreambox, January 2014
What’s different about differentiated instruction?
Differentiation Doesn’t Work
An article that gives reasons why differentiation is ineffective
James R Delisie, Education Week, January 2015
Differentiation Does, in Fact, Work
An article in response to “Differentiation Doesn’t Work’
Carol Ann Tomlinson, Education Week, January 2015
Differentiation Is Just Too Difficult: Myth-Busting DI Part 3
John McCarthy, Edutopia, February 2015
Differentiation Isn’t Perfect — But It Can Work
Sarah Muthler, Edudemis February 5, 2015
What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate Instruction in the Classroom
A history of differentiated instruction including ways to differentiate and the pros and cons
Cathy Weselby, Concordia Online Education, October 2014, updated January 2016
What is Differentiated Instruction? Examples of How to Differentiate Instruction in the Classroom
Also useful reading
Resources on Learning and the Brain
A list of articles, videos, and other links for exploring the connection between education and neuroscience
Edutopia, March 2016
Feedback Resources
- The Power of Feedback by John Hattie and Helen Timberley http://rer.sagepub.com/content/77/1/81
- John Hattie has written and researched extensively on feedback. Whilst much of that work is not freely available, the pages below reference or use his work.
- Education Endowment Fund
- Educational Leadership
- Improving writing through feedback from the Literacy Trust and Esmee Fairburn
- Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Book – excerpts available
- Osiris offer training courses on feedback but the webpage has some useful advice.
- A short piece from TES
- The Power of Feedback by John Hattie and Helen Timberley http://rer.sagepub.com/content/77/1/81
- John Hattie has written and researched extensively on feedback. Whilst much of that work is not freely available, the pages below reference or use his work.
- Education Endowment Fund
- Educational Leadership
- Improving writing through feedback from the Literacy Trust and Esmee Fairburn
- Marzano, R., Pickering, D., & Pollock, J. (2001). Classroom instruction that works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Book – excerpts available
- Osiris offer training courses on feedback but the webpage has some useful advice.
- A short piece from TES
Flipped Learning/Classrooms
A very useful website with lots of links to research about flipped learning:
Like this one:
Some blogs and resources here:
and here:
and here:
A discussion forum with teachers talking about their experience of flipped learning:
A valuable Ted Talk:
Some short MSM articles that explain what flipped learning is:
and an MSM article that focuses on sixth form flipping (very short!)
Hodder Education is offering a course:
Some critiques of the approach
An academic study of a flipped classroom trial:
Flipped learning in Higher Education:
Online Resources:
Wales support: http://learning.wales.gov.uk/resources/nlnf/?skip=1&lang=en;
BBC http://www.bbc.co.uk/schools/websites/4_11/site/literacy.shtmlb
Literacy Trust http://www.literacytrust.org.uk/ (seehttp://www.literacytrust.org.uk/research/nlt_research for in depth reports)
Literacy games (7-11) http://resources.woodlands-junior.kent.sch.uk/games/educational/literacy.html
Further Reading
Stimulus reading: Cox, B. (ed) (1998) Literacy is not Enough: the Importance of reading. Manchester, Manchester University Press
http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b04fz6kw Speaking, Listening and the English GCSE
There are lots of resources and ideas on this site: https://thinkingtogether.educ.cam.ac.uk
And here:
http://www.21trust.org/projects/voice-21 and https://www.edutopia.org/practice/oracy-classroom-strategies-effective-talk
See also: http://www.camstar.org.uk/?page_id=1406 for the links to collaborative learning which may be relevant here.
Pupil Premium
Online Resources
The Pupil Premium – Next Steps
Evaluation of Pupil Premium
Toolkit of Strategies to Improve Learning
Pupil Premium and the invisible group
Evaluation of Pupil Premium Research Report
In Wales the equivalent of the Pupil Premium is the Pupil Deprivation Grant (PDG). The following are some research findings and case studies on the use of the PDG –
Making Effective Use of The Pupil Deprivation Grant – A resource for education leaders and practitioners
Professor David Egan Professor Danny Saunders Lizzie Swaffield
March 2014
An overview from Estyn
A selection of documents used by a regional consortium in Wales that provide information on best practice including case studies – Dr Kevin Palmer,
June 2015
Guidance for using the Pupil Deprivation grant – What really works
Welsh Government
April 2014
Books and articles
Abbott, I., Middlewood, D., Robinson, S. (2015). It’s Not Just about Value for Money: A Case Study of Values-Led Implementation of the Pupil Premium in Outstanding Schools. Management in Education, 29(4), 178-184.
Carpenter H, Papps I, Bragg J, et al. (2013). Evaluation of Pupil Premium. London: DfE.
Hammersley-Fletcher L. (2015). Value(s)-driven decision-making: The ethics work of English headteachers within discourses of constraint. Educational Management Administration & Leadership 43(2), 198–213.
Ofsted (2012). The Pupil Premium: How schools are using the Pupil Premium funding to raise achievement for disadvantaged pupils. Ofsted Publications. Available at: www.ofsted. gov.uk/resources/120197
Ofsted (2013). The Pupil Premium: How schools are spending the funding successfully to maximise achievement. Ofsted Publications. Available at: http://www.ofsted.gov.uk/resources/ pupil-premium-how-schools-are-spending-funding-successfully-maximise-achievement
Ofsted (2013). Unseen children: Access and achievement 20 years on. Evidence Report. Manchester: Ofsted.
Video Materials
An overview of the Pupil Premium and how it is currently being used in schools. Drawing on the findings of the Sutton Trust research and Ofsted review, Lorraine Petersen (OBE) considers the most effective use of this funding to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. Although Pupil Premium is not targeted directly at pupils with SEN, the correlation between those eligible for free school meals and those with SEN is high.
Professor Judy Sebba, Director of the Rees Centre for Research in Fostering and Education, University of Oxford, presented at the conference: ‘What Works?: Developing evidence-based approaches to the Pupil Premium’ at the University of Sussex on Monday 14 July, 2014.
Professor Alan Dyson: Pupil Premium and ‘what works’
Professor Alan Dyson, Co-Director of the Centre for Equity in Education, University of Manchester, was the keynote speaker at the conference: ‘What Works?: Developing evidence-based approaches to the Pupil Premium’ at the University of Sussex on Monday 14 July, 2014.
The Pupil Premium in Practice Panel Q&A Session
Speaking at the Sutton Trust/ Education Endowment Foundation Pupil Premium Summit on 1st July 2015.
Sir John Dunford Speaking at the Sutton Trust/ Education Endowment Foundation Pupil Premium Summit on 1st July 2015.
The Pupil Premium in Practice Panel Discussion
Improving outcomes and experiences of disadvantaged and looked after children in schools through use of the pupil premium and pupil premium plus. Chaired by Sir Tim Brighouse. Hosted by Rees Centre, University of Oxford
Sixth Form Teaching and Learning
Effective 6th Form teaching:
Teaching resources for 6th Form Mathematics
Improving 6th Form Science Teaching
Focus on Assessment in the 6th Form
A short article from the TES reporting on an international comparison for 6th form teaching
Motivation of Sixth Form Students
Student Leadership and Pupil Voice
SSAT resources:
Students as researchers
Ideas for teaching student leadership
This website has a page with online readings:
Statutory Guidance from DfE on Pupil Voice:
Case studies of research from teachers on pupil voice and students as researchers from the National Teacher Research Panel
Interesting discussion about the pros and cons of pupil voice and student leadership from the TES community from 2008:
Research on the Learner Voice has some comments that are useful for the notion of student leadership such as learner involvement in decision making.
Pupil voice in school councils
Developing Student Leadership in a Networked Learning Community (Ingrid Cox) from CUREE